Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cym & light sabers; 12-13-09

Cimeon has turned 13. Here is the photo of him signing up for pool; his first time ever! Woo hoo, Cym.

And the "light saber" thing is really "Marbles" making a threatening gesture with a pool cue while I was taking her picture. No worries; the force is with me.

Audrey has turned 13 recently as well, so the pool table just got a bit more busy.

"DV" training

Last week we had a training / workshop in the Rec. The topic was Domestic Violence (aka "DV") and the presenter was Katie TePas. Katie does a lot of training for AK State Troopers (and other law enforcement agencies, I think).

It was kind of a technical affair, focusing a lot on definitions, procedures, etc., but, like I said, she works with law enforcement agencies, so that fits. Over all, it was a good event and most of those present seemed to appreciate it.

In attendance were visitors from Koyukuk, Kaltag, AK State Troopers, Nulato VPOs, Nulato service providers, community members and more.

It was arranged and put on as a collaborative effort by the Nulato Wellness Group, Violet Burnham/Mental Health, the AK State Troopers, etc.

For more info on domestic violence contact Clara Peters, Nulato Community Counselor, 898-2335.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mo Ho ho ho; 12-5-09

Mmmmmm hmmmm. This crew can really work it out. Shake it you guys, John Travolta is sooo jealous!

Ho ho ho! 12-5-09

Check out the moves

Travis is a great break dancer. Who knew?


OK, time to get this thing goin' Three months since the last post...P-L-E-A-S-E! Way over due.

I found an interesting article on Ron Artest (you know, "Ron-Ron", "Malice at the Palace", now with the Lakers, NBA player, basketball??? Whatever.)

He talks about some of the mistakes he's made in life, especially about drug and alcohol abuse, with the view of positively influencing kids who are going through similar difficult times. You can read it here you can't read there. The Sporting News is being difficult and won't cooperate; track it down on your own. The point is Ron is wanting to help kids struggling with drug/alcohol issues. More on that as it comes.