Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May is the month for...

Bikes! Yep, that's right. May is national bicycle month.

Bicycling is great exercise. It strengthens the legs, burns calories and gives a good cardio workout. Plus it's a great way to get outdoors and see the world.

So dust off the two-wheeler, oil up the chain, pump up the tires and start pedaling...but not right now. You may want to wait until it stops raining : )

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Cook-out

Friday we had a cook-out at the Rec., sponsored by the Nulato Life Project and the Nulato Wellness Team.

Grilled burgers and hot dogs, chips, beautiful weather, chillin' in the Rec., hanging out with people in the community, etc. It was a fun afternoon.

We served about 50-60 people of all ages.

We'll do it again next month. The photo was taken last year; I was too busy cooking to pull the camera out of my pocket.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Break-up; 5-7-10

We can expect the ice to move any day now, with break-up to follow. That means it's time to get prepared. Be ready!

While the threat of flooding is relatively low this year (thin ice and not much snow) we should still be ready. Anything can happen. Here are some things you can do now, just in case. Be ready!

-Be ready to haul / store water. If the wellhead goes under, the water supply will be threatened. Find your buckets, water jugs, barrels or water ever you use to haul water and keep them handy. Be ready!

-Be ready with a honey bucket / outhouse. If the water goes out, flushing the pot will go with it. Some toilets will work using the "bucket flush" method, some won't. Are you prepared to deal with human waste? Be ready!

-Be ready and store some gas. The fuel depot is easily flooded. If that happens it could also suffer damage that would shut it down. Don't get caught without an adequate supply of fuel for the truck, 4-wheeler and boat. Get the gas now and store it in an approved container in a safe place (not in the house or on your porch). Be ready!

-Be ready with an adequate supply of food. Even a moderate flood will put the bridge under water, cutting off access to the airstrip. Local stores can run low on supplies quickly, so now is the time to make sure you are prepared. Be ready!

-Be ready around the house / smokehouse. If you live downtown, be prepared for high water. Pick up around the house, move stuff to high ground, etc. Even if you live back town, you may need to move things around the summer house or smokehouse. Check it out now. Be ready!

-Be ready to stay informed. Do you have a radio to listen to KIYU? A vhf? Do you know where you can get accurate information? During any emergency, rumors and stories spread quickly; some true, some not. Know where to go for updates and other info. Be ready!

-Be ready to help others. People living in low lying areas along the river may need help if the water gets high. If they do, they will need help quickly, so be prepared. Be ready!

Hopefully it will be an easy break-up, but you never know. Be ready!