Here's some Nulato Life Project news:
The shop is open. Kelly and Joe have already used it for snow machine work. Today it looks like Neal is going to use it too. The shop is always available for community use on a "first-come-first served" basis. If you need it, let me know. The only restrictions are:
-sober / drug free. As part of the program (not to mention being at my house) the shop is an alcohol and drug free environment. No exceptions.
-ask first. Call me first if you want to use the shop and we'll work it out.
-clean up your mess. This is obvious.
-don't "borrow" stuff. Tools are available in the shop, and if the tools STAY in the shop, they'll be available the next time, and the next time, and the next time...get it?
Joey has been beaver trapping, and he's doing really good. The beaver are fat, the fur is in good shape and the ice isn't too thick. More guys should get out there; no need to wait for spring. (You can use the shop for skinning if needed)